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Spring is on a roll this May, with Rocky earning his SGRC2 race title in record time! Jada earned her SORC race title and 3 more agility Qs! Mojo hit a new high with a 700 lb. wheel pull! And in our ASFA lure trials Tyson picked up his first points while Roxie stayed undefeated with two more BOBs. Kiroja puppies and litter plans.
Here at Victory Basenjis we take great pride in the dogs that we have bred and have shown throughout the years. We are very committed to breeding the highest quality Basenjis possible. Our breeding program is based on strict health testing and extensive pedigree research. We believe that taking great time and care in selecting only the best, most sound parents for all of our puppies will help us to produce happy and healthy Basenjis with excellent temperament. And most of all our.
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Meisterhunde Rottweilers Family Dogs - Protection Dogs - Sporting Dogs. 3 Steps to owning a puppy. How To Choose Your Breeder. Never rush to purchase, quality is worth waiting for. Rottweiler in trouble, Why? Processed food, a killer.
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